Pre-School >

About Us

The Park Presbyterian Church Pre-School is a non-profit school sponsored by the Park Presbyterian Church

as a service to the church and community for children 4-5 years-old. 

It meets Monday - Thursday from 9:00-11:30 a.m.

The maximum number of students at Park Preschool is limited to 12.  

The tuition for Park Preschool is currently $135/month per child, September through May.   

Additionally, there is a $25/student activity fee and a non-refundable registration fee of $35/student per year.



The Pre-School provides a rich and varied environment where each child can experience activities that enrich and develop his or her social, emotional, and spiritual growth, as well as cognitive and motor skills.

The program is based on developmental learning in which a child learns in sequential stages at his or her own rate. There is an emphasis on learning through play experiences in various interest centers. Large group activities include storytelling, dramatics, music, learning games, special guests and field trips. Perceptual motor skills and sensory activities are stressed. Math and language activities contribute to readiness. 

Opportunities for large motor skill development are offered. Socialization takes place through small group play and circle activities stressing cooperation and listening.

The children are encouraged to develop their independence through decision-making, problem solving, self-help and creative expression in many areas. The activities are planned to build the child’s positive self-image, helping him or her to experience cooperative play with his or her peers, all the while accepting themselves as worthwhile human beings who are needed, wanted, liked, loved and accepted.

Our program is designed to encourage the total development of each child. It aims to help each child become more confident, competent, responsible, faithful human being, eager and enthusiastic for learning and life.

Glockenspiel, xylophone, and bongo drum, just three of many instruments we'll be playing!  We'll be singing and moving to music too.

Having fun with puppets in our classroom theatre.  The large bird puppet, his name is Quawk, he'll alert us to clean up with his silly loud squawk.