

The Session of Park Presbyterian Church is a group of active ruling elders, elected by the congregation, who make the decisions for the running of Park Presbyterian Church and serve as spiritual leaders of the congregation. It is the responsibility of the Session to pursue ministry under the discipline of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (USA) which is the Constitution of the church, and under the guidance of the Moderator of Session, which is the pastor. The session of Park Presbyterian Church defines the church in the following areas of responsibilities: Administration, Christian Nurture, Communication, Evangelism, Membership Involvement, Finance, Facilities, Mission, Outreach and Worship. Each of these areas of responsibility is represented by a commission composed by members of the congregation led by a ruling elder(s). 

Outreach & Evangelism

Mary Beth Evans

The purpose of the Commission on Outreach & Evangelism is to provide opportunities for evangelism to be learned and practiced in and by the church, that members may be better equipped to articulate their faith, to witness in word and deed to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, and to invite persons into a new life in Christ.