

The Session of Park Presbyterian Church is a group of active ruling elders, elected by the congregation, who make the decisions for the running of Park Presbyterian Church and serve as spiritual leaders of the congregation. It is the responsibility of the Session to pursue ministry under the discipline of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (USA) which is the Constitution of the church, and under the guidance of the Moderator of Session, which is the pastor. The session of Park Presbyterian Church defines the church in the following areas of responsibilities: Administration, Christian Nurture, Communication, Evangelism, Membership Involvement, Finance, Facilities, Mission, Outreach and Worship. Each of these areas of responsibility is represented by a commission composed by members of the congregation led by a ruling elder(s). 

Clerk of Session

Susan Ivey

While also playing a leading role in Park’s ministries of hospitality, Susan also provides stellar service as our Clerk of Session.   In this role, she is responsible for keeping the minutes of Session meetings, as well as all matters relating to church membership.  We know she is a gem!


Joe Budicak

Ruling Elder Joe Budicak currently chairs the Administration Commission. Along with a team of volunteers, he oversees all matters related to our Front Office here at Park, as well as to matters affecting Park Church personnel.

Christian Nurture

Roxanne Walker

The purpose of the Commission on Christian Nurture is to Nurture, Educate, Fellowship and Grow

Children (birth - 5th grade) Learn what the Bible says, Grow in God's love and build friendships in Christ

Youth (6th grade - College age) Develop conviction about our Christian faith, Share fellowship with others the same age, Mature in the comfort and safety of a loving church family

Adults - Create a community for adults which fosters faith development and supports them in their Spiritual journeys.  Encourage the development of skills in personal relationships and family living.


Christian Nurture

Becky Pilarski

The purpose of the Commission on Christian Nurture is to Nurture, Educate, Fellowship and Grow

Children (birth - 5th grade) Learn what the Bible says, Grow in God's love and build friendships in Christ

Youth (6th grade - College age) Develop conviction about our Christian faith, Share fellowship with others the same age, Mature in the comfort and safety of a loving church family

Adults - Create a community for adults which fosters faith development and supports them in their Spiritual journeys.  Encourage the development of skills in personal relationships and family living.

Nancy Simmons


Harley Allen

The purpose of the Commission on Communication is to assure the distribution of timely and accurate information to the congregation and the community at large.  This is accomplished through coordinating the flow of information among the staff, church office, church officers, and ministries of the church.  The information is shared using a variety of print media such as The Park Branches (monthly newsletter), Pews News (weekly update), pulpit announcements, and the pre-service announcement loop. The social media channels such as the church website, Facebook, and You Tube are used as well. 


Jeff Anderson

The purpose of the Commission on Facilities is to oversee and provide maintenance for the physical properties of the church.


Ginny Flick

The purpose of the Commission on Finance is to control and evaluate the financial responsibilities and be responsible for all corporate trustee functions as required by law.

Membership Involvement

Sandy Parker

The purpose of the Commission on Membership Involvement is to encourage and support the fellowship and community life within Park Church in order to strengthen our mutual ties to one another and the Body of Christ, and to thus make ourselves more effective ministers of His love and grace to the world around us. This Commission purpose is also to communicate and promote news and important events and activities in the life of the church.

Membership Involvement

Mary Gaydos

The purpose of the Commission on Membership Involvement is to encourage and support the fellowship and community life within Park Church in order to strengthen our mutual ties to one another and the Body of Christ, and to thus make ourselves more effective ministers of His love and grace to the world around us. This Commission purpose is also to communicate and promote news and important events and activities in the life of the church.

Outreach & Evangelism

Mary Beth Evans

The purpose of the Commission on Outreach & Evangelism is to provide opportunities for evangelism to be learned and practiced in and by the church, that members may be better equipped to articulate their faith, to witness in word and deed to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, and to invite persons into a new life in Christ.


Bruce McCowin

The purpose of the Commission on Mission is to provide opportunities for the congregation to give itself in local, national, and international "word and deed" mission endeavors.


John Rackley

The purpose of the Commission on Worship is to work with the Pastor and the Director of Music Ministries to plan, implement, and evaluate the various services of worship in the life of the congregation; to insrtuct and educate the congregation in meaning of worship in the Reformed Tradition; to insure excellence in all aspects of the worship life of the church.