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What to Expect

Passionate Worship

“How lovely is you dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts!  My soul longs, indeed it faints, for the courts of the Lord.”  Psalm 84:1-2


At Park Church, we practice PASSIONATE WORSHIP.   

What does this mean? 

It means:

We are honest before God and one another.

We are open to God’s presence and will for our lives. 

We re-order our lives to be together to praise God!


Given the above, there is a flow to our worship at Park:


We Gather Together. 

Each Sunday we come together in joy and in anticipation.   We have the opportunity to center ourselves in prayer and, as worship begins,  to raise the roof with singing praises to God! 


We Admit Our Need. 

All of us have fallen short of what is expected of us by God, by ourselves and also by others.  We come clean about this in unison prayer and silent prayer.


We Receive God’s Grace. 

As we come before God as we are, God comes to us as God is: With the everlasting forgiveness assured us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!  Our slate is wiped clean!  Our old life is gone—and a new life begins!


We Hear God’s Word. 

As God’s forgiven people, we open ourselves to the guidance God gives to us as the Bible is read and then interpreted in a sermon.   A brief message for younger disciples is also offered.   A choir anthem, or other special music, is also typically heard at this time.


We Respond to God’s Word. 

Having heard God’s word, we respond to it through songs of praise, unison statements of faith and trust in God, and offering a portion of our financial blessings to support God’s work in the world.  The two sacraments that are part of our Reformed heritage—Baptism and the Lord’s Supper—are also celebrated, when scheduled, during this part of the service.  


We Share Joys and Concerns.    

At Park Church we cherish the connections God makes possible between us—especially that closeness which allows us share in one another’s joys—and concerns.  Hugs and tears are commonplace!  Our worship bulletin lists prayer requests from members and friends.  Following a pastoral prayer offered by the minister, we the join in the Lord’s Prayer together.      

We are Sent to Serve.  

At Park Church, Sunday is the start of a new week for us; the end of each worship service marks the resumption of our on-going journey with God.  Having been nourished by God in body, mind, and spirit, we join in a closing song of praise and receive the blessing of God as we depart, filled with renewed power and purpose!